Re: [css3-2d-transforms] Transformed object acts as containing block for fixed positioned descendants

On Oct 30, 2010, at 5:05 am, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 3:39 PM, Sylvain Galineau
> <> wrote:
>>> From: Tab Atkins Jr. []
>>> I'm not sure, but I think I'd expect the fixpos to not transform at
>>> all, precisely because it's fixed.  Absposes would still transform,
>>> because they're guaranteed to have a containing block equal to or
>>> within the transformed element.
>> So what you expect is that fixed positioned elements transform only when
>> the transform is applied to them. Correct ?
>> I don't find that unreasonable given the semantics of position:fixed.
>> Curious about what others think ?
> Right.

Agreed; it's perfectly reasonable for a fixedpos element to transform, and WebKit does this.

The only area of disagreement is about whether a transformed element acts as a container for fixedpos elements. I'll talk to Dave Hyatt about why we wrote the spec that way originally.


Received on Saturday, 30 October 2010 15:00:35 UTC