Re: [css3-text] text-transform: han-numerals

MURATA Makoto (FAMILY Given) wrote:
>> [Adding back www-style]
> My mistake!
>> But, as with the various Han representations, only one of those is in a
>> decimal system: the others are mixtures of digits and words. We can
>> transform decimal to decimal easily. And I think this is adequate for
>> hitting the 80% use case.
> I do not understand what you mean by "decimal".  Aren't
> 三五
> 三十五
> 参拾伍
> all decimal?  Here 三 and 参 mean 3, while 五 and 伍 mean 5.
> 十 and 拾 mean 10.

No (see reason below).

> Aren't 
>> 三〇五,
>> 三百五,
>> 参百五, or
>> 参〇五
> (参〇伍 and 参百伍 are also possible.)
> all decimal?  Here 〇 means 0, and 百 means 100.
> For representing amount of money, 参拾伍 and 参百五 are very common. 
> For representing years, 三五 and 三十五 are common. 
> Probably your "decimal" system does not use 十, 百, 千, and so forth?

You are correct. We have whole numbers using a base of 10 [1]. The
word decimal is from Latin, decim(a). So we have.

1, 10, 100, 1,000 and so on to infinity.

1. <>


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Received on Friday, 29 October 2010 06:14:51 UTC