Re: [css3-writing-modes] a third option for implementing logical properties

On Oct 25, 2010, at 9:08 AM, Koji Ishii wrote:

>> First, I don't like the "logical" keyword. What we are indicating is the
>> reference. And there's nothing particularly logical about using the
>> writing-mode as the referece. So, I suggest one of these instead:
>>  margin: script 1em 0px;         /* my favorite */
>>  margin: writing-mode 1em 0px;
>>  margin: beas 1em 0px;           /* before-end-after-start */
> Does "beas" just a keyword, or per-character-indicator? I mean, can I also say
> margin: e 1em;
> I just thought if that's what you meant, we can also get rid of all margin-before/end/after/start properties as well to reduce the number of properties.
>> Second, we should also think of how this can be expanded to the
>> inside/outside use case. There we could say:
>>  margin: spread 1em 0px;
>>  margin: tobi 1em 0px;           /* top-outside-bottom-inside */
>> ('before' and 'bottom' both start with a 'b', unfortunately)
> I like this approach too. You're right that we need to resolve inside/outside in near future, and single syntax to resolve both issues looks great.

Why not just use the writing-mode value itself as the keyword?

margin: vertical-lr 1em 0;

margin: vertical-rl 1em 0;



Received on Monday, 25 October 2010 16:03:35 UTC