Re: Positioned Layout proposal


corrections and elaborations...

> For example, if you tell two adjacent elements to be relatively positioned
> and sized to each other, then this is for the purposes of normal flow
> logically the same as placing them in a <span style='inline-block'> where
> the imaginary <span> will bound the two elements in their relative
> position and size.  Thus the baseline alignment of that imaginary <span>
> is an orthogonal calculation that comes after the calculation of the
> relative position and size.

Actually then no need to keep them in normal-flow, just place them in an
explicit <span style='inline-block'>, then relatively position them with
your proposal.

>> Positioned Layout *does* make things somewhat "dumb" by killing the
>> concept of flow entirely.
> I didn't realize you are proposing that the normal flow is always
> excluded??  I thought you would offer that as a setting whether to pull
> the relatively positioned element out of normal flow?

Ditto above, thus I see why you can always pull your proposal out of the
normal flow.

Besides, it wouldn't make sense to have distant relatively positioned
elements in the normal flow.

>>  That makes things simple.
> It is less general.  I need those new relative positioning targets for
> normal flow too, e.g. the tooltip and corner treatments use cases.

Correction, no I don't.  Ditto above.

>>  Flexbox doesn't
>> do that, but it makes different simplifications that allow it to be
>> simple to understand and still powerful.
> Afaik, Flex-Layout only proposes to have flow within its relatively
> positioned cells.

Thus I am understanding that Flex-Layout will work in my proposed
generalization of your proposal to include relative size, even though you
pull out of normal flow.


Received on Tuesday, 19 October 2010 19:31:38 UTC