Re: Whitespace, punctuation and :first-letter

On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 7:07 AM, Stephen Zilles <> wrote:
> Simon,
>  You raise a good question. It is clear to me that the intent of "first-letter" is to include punctuation that precedes the first "real" letter. But, your case has introduced a space before the first "real" letter. This particular example does not seem to have a use case associated with it. Why would anyone put a space in a "first-letter" situation without the intent that the space terminate the "first-letter" handling. For that reason, I would say that Opera has the correct answer. But, if someone can provide a use case for your example, I would consider it.

div:first-letter:skip(/\W/) { color: green; }
/* Regexp skipping*/

div:first-letter:skip("(, &nbsp;") { color: green; }
/* Skip "(" or "&nbsp;" before real letter */

In this case any coder may manage first-letter behavior himself.

Received on Wednesday, 6 October 2010 07:53:28 UTC