Re: [css3-flex] calc(flex) and concept of free space.

From: "Brad Kemper" <>
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2010 10:39 AM
To: "Andrew Fedoniouk" <>
Cc: "Tab Atkins Jr." <>; <>
Subject: Re: [css3-flex] calc(flex) and concept of free space.

> On May 30, 2010, at 10:06 AM, Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
>> So you are saying that this expression:
>> width: calc(100px + 1px/100% * 1fx)
>> may or may not participate in free space
>> calculations.
>> If  1px/100% is close to zero the expression will be calculated to "fixed 
>> 100px" and to be extracted from available free space. In all other cases 
>> it calculates to zero (for the need of free space calculation)
>> This means that layout calculation is using unstable algorithm by 
>> design - mathematically speaking it has singular points on some widths.
>> This will not fly, sorry.
> Your example is very contrived and extremely unlikely to occur for any 
> reason OTHER than to demonstrate precision differences between UAs. THat 
> is not reason enough to throw the baby out with the bathwater. In normal 
> use, you would never just one, near-zero flex measurement in a flexbox.

There is no concept of "likely works" or "likely does not work" in CSS, 

Both of these two expressions:
width: calc(100px + 0.0001fx)
width: calc(100px + 0.01fx)
*must* produce close or the same result.
But not 0px and 100px.

As of throwing the babies...
I've proposed simple function:
flex( <length-expression>, flex-weight ).
where length-expression can be literal fixed length or the calc()

What is the problem with it?

Andrew Fedoniouk


Received on Sunday, 30 May 2010 18:40:51 UTC