Re: [css3-text-layout] New editor's draft - margin-before/after/start/end etc.

>> Isn't it pretty critical to know how the writing direction is being changed? If I were writing an e-book reader 
> that allowed Japanese readers to switch text directions, I think I would
> do it by modifying the DOM, specifically by changing the value of the
> "dir" attribute, so Andew's solution seems workable for that.

Do you that the dir attribute of HTML5 merely has wo values: "ltr" and
"rtl"??  It does not have "ttb".  We think that this design choice is
sensible: BIDI is a critical part of the content, while vertical writing is just 
a style issue.

I believe that reading sytems will provide their own stylesheets for
selecting the princial writing direction.  The rest is cascading.


Received on Sunday, 30 May 2010 07:13:03 UTC