Re: [css3-lists] Proposal for a generic numeric list-style-type

Interesting. Honestly, I think this would be rather expensive in terms  
of CSS rendering, though the language information is something that a  
UA should know well, provided that a web document contains the  
aforementioned language information. Otherwise, the UA should use its  
default language information defined by the UA user. The problems is  
that a UA should perform a massive comparison between a list of  
supoported languages and the corresponding list of list-style-type  
values for a given language X.  What is the impact on performance?  
Further, CSS specs provide yet a basic support for list-style-type  
internazionalization, though it could be extended, as you say.  
However, there's also the problem of rendering a style information in  
the form of an alphabetic system after a given number of letters. For  
example, in Western languages we have 27 letters in our alphabets.  
Specs say that after the 27th letter, the rendering of list-style-type  
is undefined. What happens to a list of 28 items? So I think that what  
you're proposing right now is not so feasible, though interesting.  (English)  (English)  (English)

Received on Monday, 17 May 2010 15:14:27 UTC