Re: [CSS21] Proposal for a replacement for section 17.2.1 (table anonymous objects)

On 3/29/10 12:04 PM, fantasai wrote:
> Ok, I've tried to render your algorithm into something I can understand
> and that we can put directly in the spec. I've left out handling of abspos
> elements, because I"m not sure that we want to do what you propose.

I assume you mean "out of flow" here?  Has there been an alternate 
proposal on that?  What I wrote down is what UAs seem to implement, as I 

> Can you look it over and tell me if I got the translation right?

No.  Most importantly, your split into "three stages" reintroduces one 
of the problems I was trying to solve.  Specifically, item 2 in 

Reading over this stuff again, it seems that on this testcase:

   <div style="white-space: pre">
     <span style="display: table-cell">a</span>
     <span style="display: table-cell">b</span>

both my proposal and yours produce two tables (and possibly the same 
with white-space:normal, depending).  That doesn't match either Gecko's 
implementation (which pretty much tells you all you need to know about 
the pain of writing a proposal for this even based on an 
implementation!) or Webkit's or Opera's or IE8's.  We can figure out how 
to adjust the proposal to deal once we figure out what we're doing with 
the "three stages" business.

Minor nit: Your "internal table box" definition needs to include 


Received on Monday, 29 March 2010 20:49:44 UTC