Re: [css3] Border radius, clipping and relative positioning

On 07/15/2010 03:27 AM, Rob Crowther wrote:
> fantasai wrote:
>> May I add your tests to the W3C's test suite? Instructions for granting
>> us permission are here:
> I don't think it'll be a problem, however the code (since it started out
> on StackOverflow) is already under cc-by-sa. Is that compatible with the
> above or do I need to get an explicit license from the original poster?

Probably a license from the original poster would be best, since we
need to relicense under BSD, which is less restrictive. I'd also
need to know the name and a contact URL (http or mailto) for anyone
who contributed to the test so I can credit them. :)


Received on Thursday, 15 July 2010 10:52:16 UTC