Re: [css3-multicol] column balancing and fixed height (RE: Question on Flexbox balance implementation)

Also sprach Brad Kemper:

 > > If an element with “column-span:all” does not fit into multicol
 > > box, it is pushed to overflow and its ‘column-span’ property no
 > > longer has effect. There is a possibility that without
 > > “column-span:all” it would have fit within the last column of the
 > > multicol box, but that possibility is not evaluated. The element
 > > remains in overflow uncioniditionally.
 > I imagine one could 'float:left' the column-span element in order
 > to keep its overflow from overlapping with the overflowed contents
 > of the columns, right?

'column-span' doesn't apply to floating elements:

  Applies to:  static, non-floating elements

I think "block-level" is missing from the that line; it should read:

  Applies to:  static, block-level, non-floating elements

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Monday, 30 August 2010 09:48:43 UTC