Re: Image sprites use cases

On Sep 6, 2009, at 7:57 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

> On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 12:39 AM, Brad Kemper<>  
> wrote:
>> Not that I am holding my breath waiting for browsers to support  
>> multi-layer
>> file formats or anything. But it does seem like layers (or frames  
>> in a gif
>> animation file, perhaps) would be well suited for keeping strongly  
>> related
>> and same-size resources like this together and easily accessible  
>> from CSS. I
>> would love to see something like this in an <image> spec, if there  
>> was a
>> multi-layer unencumbered format that compressed as well as, say,  
>> PNGs.
> Of course, that's basically just using the layers as a packaging
> format for the individual images, and is effectively the same thing as
> just zipping them together, modulo some technical details.

Good. Let's do it then, It would be much more convenient to be able to  
store and edit it as a single file, without having to export each  
layer individually with a separate file name, and then refer to a  
separate file name for each in CSS. That's also part of the appeal of  

Received on Sunday, 6 September 2009 15:23:56 UTC