Re: [css3-transitions] edits to transitions spec

2009/11/24 Tab Atkins Jr. <>:
> On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 7:57 AM, Giovanni Campagna
> <> wrote:
>> Section 3, it says: "Implementations must not start a transition when
>> the computed value of a property changes as a result of declarative
>> (as opposed to scripted) animation. "
>> I read this as "changing the :hover state of an element must not start
>> a transition", which is obviously against the purpose of declarative
>> transitions (as opposed to script-controlled animations)
> Note the word "animation" at the end of that sentence.  Changing the
> :hover state is not a declarative animation, and so doesn't fall under
> the scope of that sentence.

You're right, sorry for the noise

> ~TJ


Received on Tuesday, 24 November 2009 16:50:08 UTC