Re: [css3-background] should radii be capped?

Also sprach fantasai:

 > > Opera, however, doesn't cap the radii but attempts to honor them. I
 > > can see many uses for the elliptic expressions that this behavior
 > > allows. The spec, instead, will leave us with many stadium-like
 > > borders, as can be seen in the two leftmost Firefox renditions.
 > If you want an elliptic look, then set the two corner radii to two
 > different values.

That's possible when you know the width and height of the box. But, if
either the widths or height is unknown, it is impossible to get the
elliptic shape in a static style sheet. For instance, this gives you
an elliptic border:

  width: 100px; height: 200px; 
  border: 1px solid red; 
  border-radius: 50px / 100px;

However, when the size of the box changes the elliptic shape is gone. 

(It's probably possible to reinstantiate the elliptic shape through JS
magic, be we should try to avoid that for common effects)

 > The goal of the formula is to preserve the shape
 > of the curve

The question becomes: if preserving the shape of the curve worth the
higher cost of achieving elliptic forms? 

If we remove the protection of the shape, what's the worst case

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Tuesday, 21 July 2009 21:47:00 UTC