Margin-top on first page is retained. This text appears about 2 inches below the page border, or about 2.5 inches from the top medium edge.
Margin-top is retained after a forced break, and is collapsed with the page margin. This text appears 2 inches below the top medium edge.
The dummy text below will continue on the following page.
dummy text
dummy text
dummy text
dummy text
dummy text
dummy text
dummy text
dummy text
Margin-top is removed after an unforced break between line boxes, so the dummy text above begins about 1/2 inch below the top of the medium.
Margin-top is removed after an unforced break between blocks...
So this text appears about 1/2 inch below the top of the medium.
Margin-top is retained for the first named page, so this text appears about 2 inches below the top of the medium.