Re: [CSS] Extending media queries

>> > But anyway, like all User Agent detection schemes, it will be abused
>> > to
>> > provide selective support, undermining CSS's graceful fallback on a
>> > global
>> > scale:
>> >
>> > @agent (implements: -ozm-proprietary-property) { @import ... }
>> > @agent (implements: -bzo-proprietary-property) { @import ... }
>> > /* sorry, you are out of luck, welcome to the wonders of unstyled
>> > content */
>> I'm sorry, but you can do exactly the same sort of thing with media
>> queries as is. For instance, you can have '@media screen and (max-
>> width:700) {...}' and watch as all your styling disapears when the
>> window is stretched to over 700 pixels wide.
> that query won't target a specific User Agent.
> Any user agent supporting Media Queries will behave the same, given the 
> same
> output device.
> Whereas testing for CSS features *implementation* would let content 
> writers
> trivially single out some UAs as a whole based e.g. on CSS vendor 
> prefixes,
> as in my example.
> This is very bad.

This is quite stupid since the developer who really want to do that can do 
something like

        if (!document.all) {
            document.write("<link .... />");
        } else {
            // IE & Opera are bad browsers, so they don't receive my CSS !

Or like

        *:-moz-any-link, html {
            font-size: 1px; // Hihi, in FireFox, they will see nothing

You don't need to protect a developer against himself. Try to protect the 
against the bugs in the UA's, you will be usefuller to everybody. Whith 
Internet you can
do illegal things, should we destroy Internet for that simple reason ? I 
think we shouldn't.

It's similar here. With this filter, some bad attentionned people can do bad 
things, but the
rest of the world can take great advantage of it. So, what ?


Received on Sunday, 22 February 2009 16:26:52 UTC