Re: Why "color"

Much as I (as a native speaker of British English)
would like "color" in CSS to be spelled "colour",
there is not a cat's chance in hell of changing it
now.  But is there any deep reason (as opposed to
superficial) why "colour" could not be introduced
as a synonym ?   And no, I'm not going to ask for
"fount" as a synonym for "font", so you needn't
think that this is just the thin end of the wedge :-)

Ambrose Li wrote:

> But would Google hits be meaningful at all without first filtering out
> all words spelt "color" that is code (whether it's program code or
> markup)?

> It seems that most, if not all, programming languages are using the
> American spelling, so unless we filter out everything that is code,
> Google will always find the American spelling "more common".

Received on Wednesday, 18 February 2009 22:43:01 UTC