Re: URL CSS pseudo class

I do not believe I am mistaken. While the technique you mention might  
work in a limited sense, it assumes that you then create a style for  
all possible URLs rather than a single style for the currently  
displayed URL. The current pseudo class could be applied without  
having to specify the URL. In the case of what Charles-André is  
suggestion, I'm wondering if we might want to consider something where  
if a specific URL is the current URL displayed in the agent, then a  
particular style is applied.

The disconnect with what you are saying versus what I am saying is  
whether the style sheet knows the current URL of the page or not.

* jason@brighteyemediacom | 

On Feb 9, 2009, at 11:29 AM, Benjamin wrote:

> I think you are mistaken; I believe his was an idea to style certain  
> pages with a url that matched a pattern, whereas yours is an idea to  
> style links which had a url which matched a pattern. It's basically  
> the same, but one applies styles to multiple elements if the url  
> matches, while the other applies styles to one element if the url  
> matches.
> And, if I'm not mistaken, you could achieve the same thing which you  
> are proposing by using 'a[href="url"] {style}', or at least the main  
> part of what you are proposing (selecting based on href). It could  
> be possible to select based on directory level, if you could use the  
> '*' wildcard character in the selector (e.g.: href="*/* 
> "), but I'm not sure if that's implemented.
> On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 9:48 AM, Jason CranfordTeague < 
> > wrote:
>  This is not unlike a pseudo class concept I pitched a while back to  
> allow styling based on the current URL for agent. Could this two  
> concepts possibly be combined?
> CSS 3 Recommendation
> Current Link Pseudo-class Selector
> Need
> Current CSS standards allow for the independent styling of links  
> based on the client history using the visited link pseudo-class.  
> This allows designers to indicate which links the visitor has been  
> to previously. However, visitors need to not only know where they  
> have been, but where they are and where they are going as well. Web  
> designers need a way to conveniently style a link based on the  
> clients current URI in order to create more useful menus and bread- 
> crumb trails as well as indicate whether a link is pointing out of  
> the current site.
> Solution
> In order style links based on the users current location within a  
> site and to differentiate internal versus external links, I propose  
> the addition of a new "current" link pseudo-class. This pseudo-class  
> would not only be used to style a link if it's href matched the  
> clients current URI, but also style links based on directory level.
> The current link pseudo-class selector would have the following  
> pattern:
> E:current(n)
> Matches element E if E is the source anchor of a hyperlink of which  
> the target matches the clients current URI if no number (n) is  
> included or matches up to the directory level indicated by n. A  
> value of n=0 compares only the top level domain.
> So, given the links:
> 1- <a href="">RED</a>
> 2- <a href=">Style</a>
> 3- <a href=">Prom Styles</a>
> and the styles
> 1- a:current {}
> 2- a:current(0) {}
> 3- a:current(1) {}
> 4- a:current(2) {}
> If the client's current URI is:
> Link 1 would receive style 2
> Link 2 would receive style 3
> Link 3 would receive style 1 and 3
> Style 4 would NOT be applied
> Potential Uses
> Site Navigation Menus: Site menus could be consistently styled based  
> on the visitor's location within the site giving them a quick visual  
> representation.
> Bread-crumb menus: Levels in a bread-crumb trail can be displayed  
> based on the current page URI, eliminating the need to use server- 
> side technology, JavaScript, or create separate instance for every  
> page within the site.
> Internal/External links: Links that point to another domain can be  
> styled separately from links that keep the visitor within the  
> domain. In addition, once the CSS target attribute is added, this  
> will allow designers the ability to always target external links to  
> a new window.
> * jason@brighteyemediacom | 
> On Feb 9, 2009, at 8:27 AM, Charles-André Landemaine wrote:
>> Hello,
>> A new CSS pseudo class to target a specific site would be really
>> helpful, especially for user styles. I could imagine a stylesheet  
>> that
>> uses some code like this one:
>> head:url(>body{background:#cf0}
>> We could allow regular expressions also to match URLs with or without
>> the "www." prefix, "http" or "https", etc...
>> e.g. head:urlmatch(/http:\/\/ad\./)>body{display:none}
>> This would be easier to carry just one global user stylesheet instead
>> of one user style sheet per site (ex. Opera, Firefox Stylish ext.).
>> Thanks for your comprehension,
>> Charles-André Landemaine.

Received on Monday, 9 February 2009 16:46:52 UTC