Re: Request for ::di pseudoelement

Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> Well, I find myself once again ripping out a <dl> and replacing it
> with a <ul> with headers in the <li>s, because there's no grouping
> element around <dt>s and <dd>s.  There's a perennial request for a
> <di> element, but that's not really the correct place to solve the
> problem - HTML has no need for any additional help in grouping the
> dt/dd elements, as the grouping is well-defined in the spec.  This is
> purely a styling issue, and a common one for me.

I consider this a markup issue, not a styling one. I should be able
to assign classes and IDs to a definition group, shift it around in
the DOM without juggling multiple elements, target it with a URL
fragment, and, yes, style it as an element and key off other styling
from that structure. The fact that I can programmatically determine
where the <di> tags should go doesn't mean the element isn't lacking.


Received on Tuesday, 22 December 2009 02:59:11 UTC