Re: Mirror as background property

On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 2:15 PM, David Perrell<> wrote:
> Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> | Given your clarifications above, I find that I'm wrong.  You'd need to
> | combine this with background-size to get it to work as I want with
> | gradients.
> Not "wrong." Half of an image getting overlaid with a flipped copy of the other half has the advantage of not conflicting with background-repeat. So the constructed image could then be tiled.

I meant that, to make gradients work with background-mirror in the way
that I want, I'd have to combine with background-size and such.  As
you've written, background-mirror does *not* overwrite any part of an
image; it's just a unique way to tile an image.


Received on Friday, 21 August 2009 19:51:56 UTC