RE: [page][gcpm] should a named page start on a new page?

Håkon wrote:
> Also sprach marbux:
> ...removed...
>  > 8. A book contains endmatter pages, e.g.:
>  >
>  > 8(a). Appendices that require continuation of the book's page
>  > numbering but different page headers that include the
> appendix number
>  > and title.
> This is a good use case. This style sheet should work:
>   @page chapter {
>      @bottom-center { content: counter(page) }
>   }
>   @page appendix {
>      @top-center { content: "Appendix " counter(appendix) ":
> " string(title) }
>      @bottom-center { content: counter(page) }
>   }
>   div.appendix { counter-increment: appendix }
>   div.chapter { counter-increment: chapter }
>   h1 { string-set: title content() }
>  > 8(b). As in 8(a) but each appendix has its own page numbering.
>   div.appendix { counter-reset: page }

What if these pages need to be referenced from a toc? Sometimes pages in appendices are numbered A-1, A-2, ... --- there may already exit the mechanism to do this but I think it would be a good use case to add.

- Jacob

Received on Thursday, 11 September 2008 23:24:18 UTC