RE: [css3-multicol] column overflow

I like it. In addition I'd also like that 'max-height: <length>' combined with 'overflow: hidden' would mean we'd stop after the first column container (first row of columns). That may be what is implied but it may be good to call it out.

In the case where you have multiple rows Håkon's proposal states the same styling applies (border, padding, margin) -- would there not be use cases where you'd want a different styling between rows? For example a horizontal rule between rows?

 |                                               |
 | This is some   to test multi-   This sentence |
 | sample text    column layout.   continues in  |
 |                                               |
 |         ----------------------------          |
 |                                               |
 | the next col-                                 |
 | umn.                                          |
 |                                               |

You could accomplish this with a pseudo element (for maximum flexibility) ::column-row-gap [need better name!].

Another thought -- it would seem that the encapsulating DOM element (e.g. a <div>) really wants to "refer" to the all rows; it may be more natural to have a pseudo element ::column-row for which you apply 'max-height: <length>'; you could potentially also allow the ::column-row and ::column-row-gap to accept a ax+b notation (as some other selectors do).

So the <div> with 'column-width' and/or 'column-count' set would implicitly have a pseudo element for each column row and a pseudo element for each gap. If 'max-height', 'overflow' and others are applied to the <div> then it refers to the <div> and not a column row.


- Jacob

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Håkon Wium Lie
> Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2008 12:51 PM
> To: David Hyatt
> Cc: Håkon Wium Lie; List; Robert O'Callahan
> Subject: Re: [css3-multicol] column overflow
> Also sprach David Hyatt:
>  > Let's say you had way more text in your example, such that
> you had 3  > tiny columns and 24 more columns in the current
> implementations (all  > spilling out horizontally).
>  >
>  > Are you proposing that those 24 extra columns would be
> stacked  > vertically in 8 overflowing rows of 3?
> Yes.
>  > I think this would be ideal, since I could hit "page down"
>  > scrolling and read each "column page."
> Indeed.
> -h&kon
>               Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª

Received on Thursday, 16 October 2008 23:08:23 UTC