Re: [CSS2.1] table container behavior (captions, floats and margin collapsing)

On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 9:16 AM, Alex Mogilevsky <>wrote:

>  As promised, here are two options for updating the spec (
> Option 1 (make the anonymous box a block formatting context):
> "The anonymous box is a 'block' box if the table is block-level, and an
> 'inline-block' box if the table is inline-level
> <DEL>, except that this block is never considered as a block for 'run-in'
> interaction, and that </DEL>
> <INS>The anonymous box establishes a block formatting context.</INS>
> The table box (not the anonymous box) is used when doing baseline vertical
> alignment for an 'inline-table'."
>             Also, the illustration will need to change to remove margin
> collapsing requirement.
> Option 2 (block formatting context, keep margin collapsing):
> "The anonymous box is a 'block' box if the table is block-level, and an
> 'inline-block' box if the table is inline-level
> <DEL>, except that this block is never considered as a block for 'run-in'
> interaction, and that </DEL>
> <INS>The anonymous box establishes a block formatting context. The top
> margin of the first top caption and the bottom margin of the last bottom
> caption collapse with the margins of the multi-column element as per the
> normal rules for collapsing. That includes honoring 'clear' property if set
> on the first top caption.</INS>
> The table box (not the anonymous box) is used when doing baseline vertical
> alignment for an 'inline-table'."

Honouring 'clear' on a caption is kinda nasty so I'd prefer the first
option. At least that's simple.

"He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are
healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his
own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all." [Isaiah

Received on Saturday, 29 November 2008 09:24:31 UTC