Re: CSS3 @font-face / EOT Fonts - new compromise proposal


2008/11/11 Levantovsky, Vladimir <>:
> The Web developer's choice of
> fonts should not in any way be affected  by the technology we are developing
> - he should be free to choose any font (free, commercial, proprietary, etc.)
> that satisfies his needs.
> The technology has to be able accommodate his choice.

Technology doesn't determine this choice.

A web developer's choice of fonts is determined by which font makers
permit him to redistribute fonts from his website.

That is a determined by the font makers themselves choosing to license
their fonts for redistribution on the web, or not.

Thomas Phinney recently posted on this list, "font vendors are equally
or more worried about people using the web to get the fonts, and then
using them in print. The pirated usage need not be on the web at all."

This suggests that, should font vendors decide that some DRM scheme
won't stop this enough, they will not license their fonts for web use.


Received on Tuesday, 11 November 2008 23:36:40 UTC