Re: CSS3 @font-face / EOT Fonts

On Nov 4, 2008, at 10:23 AM, Thomas Phinney wrote:

> What do they actually want? Commercial font vendors seem to mostly  
> want at least these two things of web fonts:
> 1) That the *font file itself* or its wrapper be marked in a way  
> that binds it to a given domain/URL. (A problem with naked fonts is  
> that none of the existing fonts in the world are so marked, so any  
> scheme that involves accepting existing unprocessed fonts without  
> such markings is in a "closing the barn door after the horse has  
> left" situation.)

I'm sure what font vendors would like most is to sell me a second time  
all the fonts I've already bought a first time. Otherwise, wrapping or  
marking an author's existing font would likely necessitate some sort  
of downloadable utility designed for that purpose (or built into  
authoring tools). Of course, what is easily author-markable would also  
be easily un-markable...

> 2) That the web font file NOT work on Mac and Windows OS as a  
> regular system-level font if dropped in the system fonts folder,  
> without any other processing.

This seems to suppose a large class of users that know how to install  
fonts, but don't know how to find and download a utility for stripping  
off the wrapper.

Received on Wednesday, 5 November 2008 16:42:55 UTC