Re: Font MIME types

Also sprach Dave Crossland:

 > With the forthcoming reinvogoration of the @font-face CSS feature, I
 > wonder if the W3C CSS WG could be instrumental in registering MIME
 > types for fonts. It appears from the below that there are none, and a
 > standards body is required to create them.

This is an excellent idea. 

George mentions several types in his message:

  Content-Type: font/truetype
  Content-Type: font/opentype
  Content-Type: font/type1
  Content-Type: font/type3
  Content-Type: font/cff

Do these make sense? Which other formats should be listed?

A draft RFC along the lines of this one may be a way to start:


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Thursday, 15 May 2008 23:24:55 UTC