Re: CSS 3 color module and deprecation of "system" colors

L. David Baron wrote:
> On Monday 2008-05-12 20:48 -0700, Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
>> I propose to 1) keep system colors (at least basic set) and
> They're still there, just deprecated.
>> 2) to allow to use system shapes as images with special system-theme:  
>> protocol:
>> button { background-image: url(system-theme:button-normal); }
> I would prefer to advance css3-color to Recommendation with its
> current (widely implemented) feature set before adding new features.
That was not for css3-color anyway.

Probably for the [beccs] but I am not sure. I know that there is a 
number of projects that use or making an attempt to use
CSS for styling UI (input elements, etc.). E.g. XUL and QT, they may 
benefit from having this.

Andrew Fedoniouk.

Received on Tuesday, 13 May 2008 22:38:08 UTC