Re: [CSS3 Color] Percentages in Alpha Value etc.

On Friday 2005-07-08 06:24 +0200, Christoph Päper wrote [in ]:
> I know it is pretty much too late and I have asked this before¹---for I  
> am really not happy about this part of the specification at all---, but  
> what is the rationale for not allowing percentage values for 'alpha'?

The issues you raised were recorded as issues 12, 14 and 15 in .

The working group discussed the addition of new features to
css3-color and decided that no new features should be added at this
time; rather, the draft should be advanced with its current feature
set, which is at this point widely implemented.  New features will
be considered for the next level of the CSS color module.

If you are not satisfied with this response, please let us know
within two weeks, if possible.


L. David Baron                       
Mozilla Corporation             

Received on Monday, 12 May 2008 23:45:30 UTC