Re: [Bulk] Re: [BECS] CSSS! - CSS script

Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
> <style>
>    [for]
>    {
>      when-hover-on: $1(#< self.for >).highlight = true;
>      when-hover-off: $1(#< self.for >).highlight = null;
>      when-active-on: $1(#< self.for >).set-focus();
>      cursor:pointer;
>    }
>    input[highlight]
>    {
>      outline: 4px glow blue 1px;
>    }
> </style>

Some of that can be done with CSS2 selectors. There has be plenty of 
recent discussion on this list about selectors (for transition states) 
like :initial and :alternative without introducing any other language.

That above looks like some hybrid CSS and scripting language.


Received on Friday, 9 May 2008 03:36:37 UTC