Re: Retargeted images redux: how it might actually be used on the web

On Mar 28, 2008, at 2:14 PM, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

> * David Hyatt wrote:
>> I think this is a neat idea.  It does seem to me like only one CSS
>> property would be necessary though.  Really isn't this just about
>> picking a scaling algorithm for an image, e.g.,
>> image-scale-algorithm: seam-carving;
> Internet Explorer 7+ supports "-ms-interpolation-mode" with
> values "nearest-neighbor" and "bicubic" to this end.

Interesting.  I didn't know that.

Rather than stating specific scaling algorithms, though, I'd prefer it  
if any property we defined simply talked in terms of quality, e.g.,  
high-quality vs. low-quality.


Received on Friday, 28 March 2008 19:39:15 UTC