RE: [CSS3] ltr and rtl pseudo-class proposal

fantasai wrote:

> <div dir="rtl">
>    <ul dir="ltr">
>      <li>I would be selected by :ltr, and not by :rtl.</li>
>    </ul>
> </div>
> <div dir="ltr">
>    <ul dir="rtl">
>      <li>I would be selected by :rtl, and not by :ltr.</li>
>    </ul>
> </div>
> If you want to write a selector that matches all elements with rtl
> direction, you can't do it with a descendant combinator.
> ~fantasai

You have provided a good test case Fantasai.

I now understand the problem. It's not that I can't select with a descendant combinator but selecting like this can get out of hand. Andrews initial example was not revealing enough.

So we have a selector like this.

ul:rtl li { ... }

This use case is to style a particular element that has a parent or ancestor with a particular 'dir' attribute.

I see this similar to the problem with drop down menus and using a keyboard to access hidden submenus.

<ul><li><a>Item 1</a>
      <li><a>SubItem 1.1</a></li>
      <li><a>SubItem 1.2</a></li>

ul ul {display:none}
a:focus+ul {display:block}

When Item 1 is in focus the hidden list is revealed but when either of the SubItems are in focus the parent <ul> is hidden so in turn the SubItems are hidden also. The parent <ul> could only be revealed with such a selector. I know it silly and weird. ;-)

a:focus<ul {display:block}

If that was possible then this could be possible.

*<[dir="rtl"], * *<[dir="rtl"] {background:lime}

Now that I have seen the actual problem I will study the thread that has taken place.


Received on Monday, 17 March 2008 10:10:59 UTC