Re: "maybe even in the fact that you use words as all," (sic)

Doug Schepers wrote:

> W3C has activities for accessibility (several WAI groups), video, voice 
> browsers, e-government (including education and community outreach)... 
> all of these things address your concerns.  So, your claim doesn't seem 
> to match the facts.

I think (and forgive me if I am wrong) that what Jonathan means
by "engage with"[1] is to actually talk to, and work with, such
people, to ascertain at first hand how best they can be "empowered"[2].
Am I correct, Jonathan ?

[1], [2] : Yet more modern management-speak.  Sadly these
words, and their friends, are now so commonplace that it
is becoming increasingly difficult, when tempted to use
them, to :

> Prefer the familiar word to the far-fetched.
> Prefer the concrete word to the abstract.
> Prefer the single word to the circumlocution.
> Prefer the short word to the long.
> Prefer the Saxon word to the Romance.

as H W Fowler so wisely recommended in /The King's English/.

Received on Sunday, 20 July 2008 09:04:33 UTC