Re: Time to drop "almost standards mode"?

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> The amounts of duplicates in 
> seems to keep 
> growing. Now with bugs about SVG inside table cells instead of spacer 
> gifs. Maybe it is time to reconsider and specify the behavior of "almost 
> standards mode" (which Internet Explorer exhibits in "standards mode" as 
> I understand it) in CSS 2.1 thereby effectively obsoleting the need for 
> "almost standards mode".
> is the old article on this subject (though it was previously located on 
> To potential ways we can solve this:
> * Introduce a CSS new property to toggle between the different 
> behaviours defaulting to the "almost standards mode" one for HTML table 
> elements.
> * Change the CSS model to behave like "almost standards mode" does now. 
> And maybe going forward introduce a new property to get the behavior 
> described now if that's desirable.

Why isn't
   td > img { vertical-align: middle; }
sufficient for this?


Received on Monday, 28 January 2008 19:08:47 UTC