Re: Re[29]: css with attribues [hardware]

On 24 Jan 2008, at 08:15, Dmitry Turin wrote:
>>> There has to be a balance - potential benefits vs the cost of
>>> implementation.
> BK> There is nothing to prevent an author from specifying a 100MB  
> picture
> BK> as a background ... It was still the author's choice.
> +1

Congratulations for snipping out the phrase "But many of the  
arguments I've encountered against things I've proposed had little to  
do with implementation costs". You've turned BK's comment from a  
sensible point about his experiences, to something that makes no  
sense in the context of the thread.

Many of the problems I've raised are all about implementation costs.

David Dorward

Received on Thursday, 24 January 2008 10:35:33 UTC