Re: Alignment property proposal

Alex Mogilevsky wrote:

> text-align shouldn't be affecting blocks. It should only be affecting inline
> content. If we want a property for aligning blocks, it should be a separate
> property. Aligning the block one way and the inline content another is very
> common.

The fundamental reason for this proposal was to have a property that 
behaves like the CENTER element, and therefore does affect both 
contexts.  I haven't followed it closely enough, but I'm not sure that 
the interaction between it, text-align and auto margins has actually 
been specified adequately.

In saying that the two functions must be separate, you are effectively 
rejecting the whole proposal.  I don't think that is necessarily bad, as 
the proposal was basically furthering the continuance of an element that 
was deprecated in favour of using CSS.  What people wanted to do was to 
continue to use CENTER elements, but not to have to rely on ad hoc 
browser implementation, but, instead, be able to specify it in the 
browser style sheet.

If a combined property is introduced, I think it should be introduced 
pre-deprecated, because it only exists to support a deprecated HTML feature.

David Woolley
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that is no longer good advice, as archive address hiding may not work.

Received on Tuesday, 22 January 2008 22:16:37 UTC