Re: [css3-background] background-position relative to other corners

David Hyatt wrote:
> fantasai wrote
>> Here's another proposal:
>>  background-position: left 10px top 10px; /* Equivalent to background-position: 10px 10px */
>>  background-position: right 10px bottom 10px; /* 10px in from the bottom right corner */
>> Then we can also have
>>  background-position: start before; /* top left for LTR, top right for RTL */
>>  background-position: end 10px after 10px; /* same as right 10px bottom 10px for LTR,
>>                                               left 10px bottom 10px for RTL */
> I might write that with functional notation.
> background-position: left(10px) top(10px)
> background-position: end(10px) after(10px)


   background-position: left top;
   background-position: 10px 10px;
   background-position: left 10px;

are all already valid, I don't think the functional notation fits well here.
When they're just keywords and values you can look at it as an expansion:

   background-position: left 10px top 15px;
   background-position: left      top     ;
   background-position:      10px     15px;
   background-position: left          15px;
   background-position:      10px top     ;


Received on Friday, 18 January 2008 23:02:28 UTC