Re: scroll bar size in width calculations

Robert O'Callahan wrote:
> On Jan 8, 2008 7:25 PM, Andrew Fedoniouk < 
> <>> wrote:
>     That is a primordial problem of CSS box model.
>     It has to be:
>     1) either 'overflow:none' - "never overflow" instruction or
>     2) something similar to David Baron's 'intrinsic' value for
>        min-width/min-height attributes. That is also "never
>        overflow" instruction.
> 3) Authors specify min-height instead of height, then they get the IE6 
> behavior.

Beg my pardon but how min-width/min-height supposed to work for e.g. (front page) layout?
E.g. how you would define width of these columns if you do not
know font size I am using here to view it?

Andrew Fedoniouk.

Received on Tuesday, 8 January 2008 07:57:07 UTC