Re: float:center

On Jan 5, 2008, at 6:52 AM, David Woolley wrote:

> Philip TAYLOR wrote:
>> David, I've fully supported your position here
>> so far, but when you claim that float:centre
>> "doesn't allow separation of content and styling",
> No.  I'm saying that the only use case put forward so far doesn't;  
> specifically the use case claimed is pull out quotes.
>> I do not see the logic of your argument.  I assume
>> that you believe that float:{left|right} do allow
> The original use of float left and float right was the inclusion of  
> relevant images.  whilst there is a spectrum of such usage, I think  
> one could argue that a relevant image placed between paragraphs, can  
> be viewed as something that one should look at before reading the  
> following text, if one wants to understand the article, but pull out  
> quotes are there to act as headlines for the whole article, not for  
> the text by which they are placed, and they are normally placed mid- 
> paragraph, based on the aesthetics of the whole of the intersection  
> of the article with a page of the media, rather than the meaning of  
> the surrounding text.

If the float center is used in this manner, then it truly could  
semantically be a headline, and have the text reflow around it such  
that it looks as if it were in the middle.  Or am I visualizing this  
wrong? In the html, the headline comes first, but is floated center,  
then a paragraph comes after, that wraps around it. If the user  
chooses to see no style, or if the client is incapable of this, it  
should degrade back to something that at least makes sense.

John Oyler

Received on Saturday, 5 January 2008 12:14:28 UTC