Re: [CSS3] Box Model Terminology

fantasai wrote:
> Andrei Polushin wrote:
>> Each time one would use his own set of terms, most convenient 
>> for his own culture, and the mapping is as follows:
>>  European          Arabic, Hebrew   Chinese, Japanese   Mongolian
>>  ----------------- ---------------- ------------------- ----------------
>>  logical-left      semitic-right    east-asian-bottom   mongolian-bottom
>>  logical-right     semitic-left     east-asian-top      mongolian-top
>>  logical-top       semitic-top      east-asian-left     mongolian-right
>>  logical-bottom    semitic-bottom   east-asian-right    mongolian-left

I was incorrect here, it should be written as:

     European          Arabic, Hebrew   Chinese, Japanese   XSL-FO equivalent
     ----------------- ---------------- ------------------- ------
     logical-left      semitic-right    east-asian-top      before
     logical-right     semitic-left     east-asian-bottom   after
     logical-top       semitic-top      east-asian-right    start
     logical-bottom    semitic-bottom   east-asian-left     end

> This is completely useless. The goal is to have a set of terms that are 
> independent of the writing mode, not additional terms that are dependent 
> on it.

I *do* propose the set of terms that are independent of the writing mode 
(with the above correction), but I additionally suggest to use the most 
natural and easily understandable names.

Andrei Polushin

Received on Thursday, 28 February 2008 00:35:10 UTC