RE: no-cascade proposition

Quoting Niels Matthijs <>:

> So you have to write xhtml and css for the banner, and you have to 
> make sure it shows up correctly in all sites.

You also have to make sure it doesn't break any of the scripts on those sites
(for example, your xhtml must not use any id values that any of those sites
might use, since IDs have to be unique per document).  You also have to make
sure that not only does the site's CSS not apply to the banner, but the
banner's CSS doesn't apply to the site.  You have to make sure that any 
in the banner don't affect the site.

> Problem is that you don't know the css of these sites.

True, nor do you know what their scripts look like or what IDs they're using.

> What you deliver is just a piece of xhtml and css, so can anyone 
> explain to me why this piece of code should be separately marked in 
> the actual mark-up? I fail to see the benefit.

The benefit is script isolation (in addition to the CSS isolation you 
want) and
prevention of namespace collisions.


Received on Wednesday, 24 December 2008 20:08:05 UTC