Re: Printing Backgrounds

Pascal Germroth wrote:

> I don't think a document-wide @-rule would suffice.
 > For example if the document uses CSS-backgrounds for the "classic"
 > background *and* to replace text by images.

Replacing text by images is a misuse of CSS backgrounds, you should be 
using the content property, as the image is alternative media for the 
foreground content.  It doesn't even work for printing at the moment, as 
it requires the user to set an unusual printing option.

I don't see why future CSS should give very much consideration to 
current workarounds of incomplete implementations.

(The only way I can see of doing this with background images without 
compromising the structure of the content is to make the text 
transparent in some way, but that will tend to make it disappear 
completely when printed on out of the box current browsers.)

> So there should be a new "background-print: auto|always|never"-option.

A better way to do it is to cancel the background image using media type 
with normal (typically class) selectors and background-image: none. 
That doesn't require anything new.

David Woolley
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Received on Saturday, 6 October 2007 00:07:22 UTC