Re[2]: <table presentation="pie"> (was: Re: <table chart="pie">)

DT>   section-color:
DT>   section-width:
DT>   section-type:  none/dotted/dashed/solid/double;
DT>   point-color:
DT>   point-type:    none/disc/circle/square/arrow/star/triangle/hex;
DT>     /* --'section' and 'point' are shorthands for properties-- */

  In particular case, when element TABLE
[1]has identical quantity of elements TR inside each element TBODY and no more than three
[2]elements TD contain only text, instead of embeded html-elements
[3]content of elements TD are numbers
than element TABLE can demonstrate content of cells in two principle different ways:
(1)by alphabet
(2)as chart
  First TR contain coordinate 'X' of points of chart,
second - coordinate 'Y', third - coordinate 'Z',
and non-existance of chart on base of more quantity of TR is reflection of such fact,
that we cann't draw 4-dimensional space.
We can display any quantity of elements TR in alphabetic mode.

                quantity TR in TBODY
                  1-3      4-...
alphabet           +        +
chart              +        -

  Way of demonstration is specified in attribute @presentation.
It is equal "alphabet" by default, that means __alphabetic mode__
(all TBODY are merged into one).
All another values specify __chart mode__,
and quantity of TR inside TBODY specify what types of chart are possible:

1 row, values of @presentation:

"pie" (as cut pie.
  __Restriction: only first tbody is used, anothers are ignored__)
"verbar" (as vertical columns)
"horbar" (as horizontal columns)
"decart" (2D-chart in decart system of coordinates:
  sequence with natural numbers, beginning from one, is used as second row)
"polar" (2D-chart in polar system of coordinates:
  sequence with angles, equal to 360 devided to quantity of elements td, is used as second row)

2 rows, values of @presentation:

"decart" (2D-chart in decart system of coordinates)
"polar" (2D-chart in polar system of coordinates, angles are in degrees)

3 rows, values of @presentation:

"decart" (3D-chart in decart system of coordinates)
"polar" (3D-chart in polar system of coordinates, angles are in degrees)
"candle" (2D-chart "japanese candles")
  Numbers, used for creating chart, can be written in chart itself,
if property 'inscription' of element TBODY is equal "yes"
(colour of inscriptions is always the same, as colour of inscripted
"pieces of pie", columns or lines).

tbody {
  inscription: no;

---1 TR creates 1D-charts

All "pieces of pie" and all columns of one TBODY,
all sections of one line (i.e. of one TBODY too) can be displayed by one colour.

<table presentation="decart">
  <tbody id="id_1">
  <tbody id="id_2">

tbody#id_1 {
  color: red;
tbody#id_2 {
  color: green;

Each "piece of pie", column and section of line is displayed by color,
which is specified for __content__ of corresponding element TD.
There exist order of colours, used by default.

<table presentation="pie">
      <td id="id1">24.1</td>
      <td id="id2">31.2</td>
      <td id="id3">56.8</td>
      <td id="id4">75.4</td>

td#id1 {
  color: red;
td#id2 {
  color: green;

---2 TR-s create 2D-charts

Part of chart under line will be painted by colour,
which is specified in property 'painted'
(property is equal "none" by default).
This property is also used in 1D-case.

---3 TR-s create 2D- and 3D-charts

<table presentation="ñandle">

Dmitry Turin
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Received on Tuesday, 31 July 2007 13:07:58 UTC