Re: attributes as virtual tags

Dmitry Turin schrieb:
>>>   §a1,§a2,§a3 { display: table-cell }
> RK> As attributes are considered child nodes of an element, this kinda makes
> RK> sense.
> Let's enter this selector into CSS4.

But without the §! It should be @ to look a bit like XPath (where @name
means the attribute) -- and maybe some time in the not too far future my
wish will come true and XPath will be used as selection language for
CSS[*] (because I can't see how CSS should do things like :only-child
without lookahead, which was the counter-argument to XPath iirc).

But I think the @ is reserved (don't know the grammar) -- @namespace and
so on?


*] it could be as a function: xpath("//foo[//bar]")

Received on Thursday, 5 July 2007 14:47:22 UTC