Re: CSS3 cascading - about undefined rules

On Monday 2006-09-18 04:16 +0100, Joao Eiras wrote:
> The cascading module of CSS ( currently  
> has a small gap: what to do when rules produce undefined values.
> Consider the following example
> <table><tr><td>
>   <textarea src="" style="width:100%"/>
> </td></tr></table>
> The textarea needs to know the width of its parent, and since it's a table  
> it'll fit its content, thus trying to get its child width.
> This deadlock can't be solved, therefore it's left for the UA's error  
> handling.
> Gecko, IE and KHTML ignore the rule in the cascading process, so the UA  
> will use other value for the textarea's width, like another css value, the  
> UA's defaults or a possible cols attribute.

I'm not sure why you think that, but I can tell you that Gecko
definitely doesn't ignore it as part of the cascading process.  I'd also
be quite surprised if other implementations did.

I'd also note that there's no contradiction within any currently
available specs here either, since intrinsic widths are currently pretty
much undefined.


L. David Baron                                <URL: >
           Technical Lead, Layout & CSS, Mozilla Corporation

Received on Monday, 18 September 2006 03:30:15 UTC