I18n comment: inheritance of :lang and |=

Comment from the i18n review of:

Comment 14
At http://www.w3.org/International/reviews/0601-css3-selectors/
Editorial/substantive: S
Location in reviewed document:
Sec. 6.6.3 [http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/WD-css3-selectors-20051215/#lang-pseudo]

"in the same way as if performed by the '|=' operator in attribute selectors"

I think it is important to clarify that the behaviour of :lang and |= is significantly *different* with regards to inherited language values. This is not explained as far as I can see, but my understanding is that it is intended.

We explain this difference at 
http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-css-lang#inheritance [http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-css-lang#inheritance]
, and to ensure interoperable implementations of :lang we feel that this needs to be clarified in the specification.

> From: Bjoern Hoehrmann [mailto:derhoermi@gmx.net] 
> Sent: 20 January 2006 15:22

> Regarding #14, the draft has "Whether an element is represented by a
> :lang() selector is based solely on the identifier C being 
> either equal to, or a hyphen-separated substring of, the 
> element's language value, in the same way as if performed by 
> the '|=' operator in attribute selectors." I don't really 
> think this could be read to imply that |= does or :lang does 
> not consider inherited language information; what should it 
> say instead (avoiding duplication |='s definition)?

> From: Daniel Glazman 
> [mailto:daniel.glazman@disruptive-innovations.com] 
> Sent: 20 January 2006 16:00

> #14 "For example, in HTML [HTML4], the language is determined 
> by a combination
>      of the lang attribute, the meta element, and possibly by 
> information from
>      the protocol (such as HTTP headers). XML uses an 
> attribute called xml:lang,
>      and there may be other document language-specific 
> methods for determining
>      the language."

Received on Saturday, 21 January 2006 10:47:52 UTC