Re: [Selectors], XSLT, and a browser's internal view of an xml document

Hello, Anne.

Everyone who's replied to me on this forum have been
patient, whether to answer a question or simply to
provide information. That's what I meant.

You wrote:

> I don't think CSS as currently designed, implemented
> and used fits really well in some tree-based 
> language. 

OK, but I'm flexible.

> Also, the examples you gave still show the need for
> some kind of CSS parser, 

The CSS working group decides whether user agents will
parse CSS. You could redesign CSS to look like FO, but
without page-masters and flow elements, if that's what
you want. 

If you can combine att:val pairs into a single style
element, then you can style arbitrary mark-up the same
way you style HTML right now. You can keep CSS rules
with their current syntax inside a <css:style> tag.
Just the ability to easily style custom XML is great!

> the order of elements is significant 

The order of styled elements in the XML document, or
the order of styling rules in the <css:style> tag, or

> and the syntax (with namespaces and all) is

Well, OK.


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Received on Saturday, 4 February 2006 23:29:03 UTC