Re: [CSS21] Chapter 4: Syntax - comments

Christian Roth wrote:

 > Suggestion of sectioning:
 > - 4.1 CSS Core grammar: consists essentially of current 4.1.1 with
 > references to CSS 2.1 removed.
 > - 4.2 Grammar of CSS 2.1: consists of 4.2.1 with restrictions to the
 > core
 > grammar now in 4.1.1, and continues with 4.1.2, ... relabelled to
 > 4.2.2, ...
 > Of course, it would even be better to separate general constructs'
 > descriptions which will not change (e.g. "Statement", "At-rule", ...)
 > into the core grammar description, and then add restrictions for CSS
 > 2.1
 > in the CSS 2.1 grammar's section. It makes it much easier for
 > implementors to decide on factorings and identifying features to be
 > put
 > into the parser core and which should go into configurable CSS profile
 > support.

The CSS WG discussed this, but decided not to change CSS 2.1. (The WG 
will consider it for CSS3.) It is not strictly necessary and it would be 
a major operation, requiring another review, for which it is too late in 
the process.

   Bert Bos                                ( W 3 C )                               W3C/ERCIM                             2004 Rt des Lucioles / BP 93
   +33 (0)4 92 38 76 92            06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France

Received on Tuesday, 18 October 2005 04:46:02 UTC