Re: Printing a Book with CSS

Also sprach Philip TAYLOR:

 > >

 > I notice the dot-leaders don't align.

Actually, the leaders that use the same size dots align. I agree that
leaders should be aligned. I don't see a need to turn it on/off, it
should always be on.

 > From an aesthetic
 > point of view, they also look far too dense (close
 > together) to me.

That's an interesting observation. The specification should perhaps be
more descriptive about these issues -- border styles in CSS are
hampered by different implementations.

In the article, this example is used:

  ul.toc a::after {
    content: leader('.') target-counter(attr(href), page);

Another way to specify leaders would be to use keywords:

  content: leader(dots) 

It would make some sense to prescribe that leaders generated with
keywords should all use the same size dots, while those specifying a
string ('.') should use the font of the corresponding element.

Note that you can achieve more space in leaders by adding spaces to
the leaders string:

    content: leader(' . ')


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Tuesday, 29 November 2005 16:56:24 UTC