Re: Why reduce font size

Christoph Päper wrote:

>The defaults (16 px) work fine for me, having 
>average eye-sight and using a quite common 
>display setup (15" TFT @ 1024 px × 768 px).
>Anyway, this is not really a topic for www-style.

Well, would it be possible or appropriate for the 
spec to recommend that initial UA defaults be 
explicitly set by the user by means of a sizing 
wizard on install?  Such a recommendation would 
be non-normative, but I can't think of a better 
place for a formal recommendation that might 
actually have some effect on the eternal 
font-size wars.  If the user is always setting 
their own default to suit their own needs, 
perhaps designers will feel less temptation to 
over-ride those user choices.

Or maybe we are just stuck in font-size purgatory forever.


-Adam Kuehn

Received on Tuesday, 1 March 2005 22:23:23 UTC