Designs that zoom (was : Why reduce font size)

Dear Colleagues -- We are in the process of implementing
a new design , the overall structure of which will look
something like this :

|                                                       |
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|                                          xxxxxxxxxxxx |

We would like to ensure that it remains legible no matter
to what degree it is zoomed [*], implying that the top left
corner remains fixed whilst the lower right corner moves
ever farther to the right and down as the degree of zoom
increases.  The second row represents a series of navigation
links which will result in drop-downs : the drop-downs
should also expand rightwards and downwards in the same
way as the main page.  The third row is composed of two
columns which should retain their relative proportions
whilst expanding in the same way.

Are there any examples of "infinitely zoomable" designs
similar to this of which list members are aware ?  Sadly
not even the beautiful "CSS Zen Garden" can cope with
more than four levels of zoom before it starts to break
up ...

Philip Taylor
By "zoom" I mean an increase in text size ("Ctrl +" in Mozilla),
with a concomittant increase in the size of everything else
apart from images.

Received on Tuesday, 1 March 2005 16:00:00 UTC